Project 14: 3 Zones of light
Painted by Jacques Louis David.

Painted by Jacques Louis David.

Painted by Jacques Louis David.

Painted by Jacques Louis David.

Painted by Rembrandt

Painted by Rembrandt

Painted by El Greco

Painted by El Greco

Painted by Dean Cornwell

Painted by Dean Cornwell

Painted by Dean Cornwell

Painted by Dean Cornwell

Painted by Dean Cornwell

Painted by Dean Cornwell

base line art with out any values added

base line art with out any values added

Line art with: Fore ground light, middle ground middle tone and background dark tone

Line art with: Fore ground light, middle ground middle tone and background dark tone

Line art with: Fore ground middle tone, middle ground light tone and background dark tone

Line art with: Fore ground middle tone, middle ground light tone and background dark tone

Line art with: Fore ground middle tone, middle ground dark tone and background light tone.

Line art with: Fore ground middle tone, middle ground dark tone and background light tone.

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Student example

Project 14: Create a compositions that clearly establishes a fore ground, a middle ground and a background. Make sure to have figures and objects in each of the three zones and create line art by inking the drawing. Select three values, a light, a middle and a dark. Make 3 copies of the same line art and colour using the three values you have selected- Light, Middle and Dark. Inter-change the position of the values in the three zones of each drawing.