Old Age: Gravity takes its toll and skin hangs below the framework of the skull. Loss of muscle in the face causes a sunken look as the skin sinks into the skull and wrinkles remain because of brittle skin.
How do you turn back the clock on an adult human head. This clip looks at some simple but key ideas, that allow us to draw babies.
Keep it simple stupid structures of the nose are explained for the artist.
Keep it simple stupid explanation of how to draw eyes.
The placement of the ear on the flattened side of the head explained and a few of the structural details needed to draw the ear.
Simple concepts to guide the artist when drawing a mouth.
Think of hair as sculptural at first, establish depth width and height. Then suggest the directional strokes to create the flow and pliability of the hair. Keep it simple.
Hair moves and it is affected by gravity. It gets wet, and greasy and it can become soft and flyway. Think of how forces can affect the movement of hair.
Project 9 drills down to the smaller details of the human head. Divide your paper into eight equal sections, practice drawing eyes, ears, mouths, noses, hair, old people and children in the different sections. Line only. Add descriptions and text that explain the principles to be mastered.