Exhibiting at three Major Motorcycle Supershows in 2019.
The team with the RIDERS RULE.
The RIDERS RULE, 30x40 inches, acrylic on wood panel.
Designer and Motorcycle Racer Miles Keller, Rochon/Genova partner Vince Genova and artist Vince Mancuso
Fun at the Toronto Motorcycle show With Shaun and Russ Side Car Racing. Trying out the bullet for size.
Racer and Industrial designer Miles Keller introduced me to Sidecar Racers Russ and Shaun from the Miller racing team, this is partnered racing that hits 152 miles per hour. One mistake and you know what happens. http://www.sidecarracers.com/
Exhibiting at three Major Motorcycle Supershows in 2019.
The law firm Rochon/Genova LLP, commissioned me to paint the RIDERS RULE so it could be displayed at the three major Motorcycle shows in 2019.